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Emplifi helps CONTENTS analyze a social media fanbase

Platform provides detailed reports and sentiment analysis

CONTENTS is a digital marketing agency specialized in creating quality and engaging content on social media. Their agency's name stands for everything they believe in: Content as the foundation and driving force for every strategy and campaign they put out there. Their primary focus is delivering results quickly and in the smartest way possible. In addition to this, they also dive into television (commercials, advertising) and multiple digital outlets. 

"It’s important that our content is not only creative, but also effective for the right audiences," said María Porcayo, Data Analyst Manager. "In fact, one of our mottos is: ‘Digital marketing and strategic thinking is THE way of evolving during a crisis’."

In March 2020, CONTENTS developed a digital marketing strategy for Monte Xanic, an award-winning winery, which was focused on social media and e-commerce. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Monte Xanic’s revenue was based primarily on consumption centers and physical stores. However, during the pandemic, restrictions on mobility and the suspension of non-essential activities greatly impacted things like traditional retail and pushed Monte Xanic to adapt to the changing retail landscape. CONTENTS helped Monte Xanic develop its e-commerce website, focused on not only selling, but on activating brand awareness to reach wider audiences.

Adapting to a changing retail climate

The Mexican wine industry was impacted by the social climate and the COVID-19 pandemic, pushing many brands to rapidly adapt to new ways of selling their products. There are more than 3,000 brands from different backgrounds all around the country, but Monte Xanic is one of the best. This segment of premium Mexican wine began to grow all through 2014 to 2019 by 36%, led by Gran Ricardo by Monte Xanic, responsible for 40% of that market.

Being an ultra-premium brand posed some challenges, as Monte Xanic had to adapt to new ways of selling. That's when CONTENTS identified the opportunity to help Monte Xanic reach the next level by adapting to the consumers' new way of life and their new ways of communication. 

Targeted campaigns to increase brand awareness

On social media, Instagram became CONTENTS' primary focus for Monte Xanic. As part of the new strategy, CONTENTS set a goal of relating Monte Xanic with themes like premium lifestyle, elegance, and special moments without losing sight of their main protagonist: the wine. Each month, CONTENTS implemented a special theme that translated in a constant increment of followers, reaching more than 30% by 2021. 

Through December of 2020, CONTENTS launched a campaign celebrating Gran Ricardo’s legacy by inviting Mexico's top personalities within different industries including film, literature, journalism, gastronomy, and music. The campaign objectives were: 

  1. Strengthen Monte Xanic’s position as the best Mexican wine thanks to Gran Ricardo. 

  2. To generate brand awareness about Monte Xanic´s refined and exclusive lifestyle. 

  3. To establish Monte Xanic´s brand values behind every bottle. 

The campaign obtained excellent and positive sentiment results, representing more than 2,000 new followers, more than 22,000 interactions and more than four million impressions. 

One of CONTENTS’ strongest campaigns was launched during Monte Xanic’s August vintage with the help of a renowned aerial and portrait photographer, where they got to connect with a very valuable niche photography fanatic audience, achieving an Instagram fanbase growth of 24% with 359 daily average interactions throughout the month.

More than 30% fanbase growth on Instagram

As they continued to progress further, CONTENTS wanted to give their clients better results and make their campaigns even more strategic, so they began using Emplifi in 2021. 

With Emplifi, CONTENTS was able to offer more detailed reports, sentiment analysis, and different benchmarks as their clients began to grow rapidly during the pandemic. Monte Xanic grew its fanbase more than 30% on Instagram and continues expanding at a fast rate on other social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

"We chose Emplifi because it offered more detailed analysis on subjects like engagement and interaction, giving us insights into what we can do to captivate our audience and reach new ones," said María Porcayo. "We also designed different dashboards for specific purposes like sentiment analysis, content distribution, and our monthly reports. Every day we label our content to improve our community management and also analyze and compare our paid campaigns to improve results."

The takeaway

Emplifi enabled CONTENTS to adapt to a changing retail climate and help its customers connect with their growing fanbases. 

Do you need help connecting with your growing audience? Schedule a demo with an Emplifi expert today.