Measuring social media metrics is important for understanding the performance of your respective Pages no matter what industry you are in. With advanced measurement reporting of social Pages, companies in markets throughout the world can identify business problems and resolve these problems from the valuable insights gained from analytical tools. However, the problems that companies face are vastly different from industry to industry. This report will focus on how proper social media measurement can help resolve business problems for alcohol companies.
When it comes to increasing alcohol sales, effectively marketing your brand means everything. Alcohol brands can utilize the proper social media measurement tools to raise brand awareness, determine effective content for online and offline marketing campaigns, and gather competitive intelligence.
Important KPIs for Alcohol Brands
Response Rate: The percentage of user posts or questions that the admin responded to.
Response Time: The average amount of time that it takes for the admin to respond to users posts or questions.
Engagement Rate: The amount of user interactions (Likes, comments, and shares) that occur with your Page.
Key Influencer Identification: Identifying the users that most frequently interact with your Page’s content.
User Activity: Identifying the times of days and the days of week in which your users are engaging most frequently with your Page.
Social Media Measurement: Business Solutions
Brand Awareness
Competitive Intelligence
Product Feedback
Determining Content for Offline Marketing Campaigns
Crisis Management
Event Promotions
Linking Business Solutions to Social Media Measurement KPIs
Determining Content For Traditional Marketing Campaigns
Fans of alcohol brands are actively engaging alcohol brands on social media. Due to the face that Fans independently choose to receive marketing updates from alcohol brands, these marketing managers should consider their Fans as some of their most loyal consumers.
KPI Measurement for Increasing Social Performance: Analysis of a brand’s social media Pages will reveal their target audience. This analysis is important, especially for multinational companies, as consumer demographics vary from one market to the next. In order to completely understand consumer demographics, social media managers need to be aware of the age range, gender, and the interests of their social communities throughout the world.
By understanding Fan demographics and interests in each market, social media managers can create more effective content to encourage Fan growth and engagement rates. Analysis of these KPIs and others, such as user activity and interactions by post type, is important for increasing the performance of your social media pages. However, this is only the beginning.
Social Media for Determining Offline Content: By measuring post engagement rates, the number of interactions and the Fan growth rate after a particular post, social media managers can provide an analysis of effective content to other marketing team members. Moreover, all social media content feedback can be measured in real-time and targeted to specific country pages. This allows social media managers to provide an entire marketing department with feedback necessary to produce highly engaging content in each market.
Most Important KPIs to Measure: Determining Offline Content
Page and Post Engagement Rates
Fan Growth Rates
Number of Interactions
Distribution of Fans
Market Insights Tool
Competitive Intelligence
With the proper social media measurement tools, alcohol brands can gather useful competitive insights to increase their own social performance. When monitoring a competitors’ social performance, the most important things to analyze are posting strategies, Fan demographics, and content effectiveness.
How to Measure: The most important KPIs to measure when familiarizing yourself with a competitor’s posting strategy are admin post types and the frequency of posts by day. This will give you a complete understanding of when and what your competitor is posting.
The next step is to understand your competitor’s target audience. Once you have determined your competitor’s key influencers, the distribution of Fans by country, and the number of Fans for each country page/profile, you will know where and to whom a competitor is targeting their social media campaigns.
The final step for gathering social competitive insight is to measure whether your competitor is effectively posting content that is engaging their audience. By monitoring post engagement rates, engagement rates by post type, and user activity, you can gather insight about your competitor’s social performance.
How to Utilize Social Competitive Intelligence: Once you are well informed about all aspects of a competitors’ social media activities, you can use this analysis to take action. If a competitor is performing particularly well and is maximizing user engagement, then why not emulate their posting and content strategy to improve internal performance? On the other hand, if a competitor does not effectively address their audience by posting at ineffective times or creating less engaging post types, then it may be worthwhile to create a social campaign to market to this audience.
Most Important KPIs to Measure: Competitive Intelligence
Admin Posts per Day
Key Influencer Identification
User Activity
Distribution of Fans
Post/Page Engagement Rates
Brand Awareness
A brand’s reputation is incredibly important in the alcohol industry. Without a doubt, one of the most important uses for social media in this industry is to promote brand awareness. For more information on how to increase brand awareness through social media, please check out our Consumer Packaged Goods KPI Report.
Editor's Note: This article was originally published on Any statistics or statements included in this article were current at the time of original publication.