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Ads Feed in Content Hub, IGTV as a Media Type, Collections in Publisher and More

It’s a jam-packed release this week. Grab a quick coffee break and take a look!

  • Get the most mileage out of your ads budget. The new Ads feed in Content Hub is the perfect companion for productive ads planning.

  • Take advantage of IGTV, a powerhouse media type that audiences love. You can now analyze the performance of IGTV as a data source in Analytics & Listening!

  • Ready, set, schedule! Content distribution and scheduling is even more intuitive in the upgraded guided content editor, complete with an “Import from Collections” option.

Let’s dig into the details.

Your Paid Social Team’s New Sidekick in Content Hub

Content Hub has always been your go-to place to access content insights. Central access to intel means it’s much easier to dig into the copy, images, objects, and colors across the board, so you can continue to amplify the right brand experiences. The Ads feed in Content Hub acts as your portal to your ads-level insights. The Ads feed joins the Content Hub family of feeds, including the main feed, listening feed, and AI Content Inspiration.

Initiating a search and navigating the feed

Just like you’re used to, analysis in the Ads feed starts with a search. Initiate a search using specific ad accounts and campaign names, objectives and more. To access all of the search options available to you, simply open the “advanced search options” panel. 

Once search results are surfaced, navigate the ads feed as you normally would: sorting the results by preference, analyzing performance metrics associated with specific ads, and saving top performers to Collections. You can also export your ads feed to XLXS and PDF. 

Reading the Ads card and using interactive charts

Doesn’t it feel great to see it all and know it all? The Ads feed complements your rigorous testing and optimization approach. The days of from-scratch asset creation are long gone; it’s now so easy to spot and keep the best elements of an ad and tweak the rest. When your results are surfaced, what information is available on an ad post card?

  • Ad status

  • Entity information

  • Platform and placement information 

  • Ad name

  • Campaign objective

  • Ad tag type: Boosted, dynamic, variations, catalog, no tag

  • Clickable ads preview

  • Ads creative

  • Save to collection 

  • Performance metrics

The Ads feed in Content Hub is integrated with your Paid Analytics module, so that nothing gets lost in (data) translation. Looking at a view that sparks your interest in Paid Analytics? Simply click on the “View in Content” button, and you’ll be redirected to Content Hub to see results on an ad level. For the Paid Insights Overview and Campaign Objectives views, the charts are interactive! Click on a specific data point in value widgets, bar charts, line charts to dive into the content behind the numbers.

IGTV, a New Media Type for Analytics & Listening

IGTV is now a media type in the platform! What does this mean for you? Analyze, compare and understand IGTV videos that have been shared as previews to the Instagram Feed. Analysis of IGTV will fit seamlessly into the ways you already work and the features you already use daily, including:

  • Dashboard

  • The Content Feed

  • Automated Labeling

  • Content Inspiration

  • Listening Analytics

  • Listening Feed

With the introduction of IGTV in Analytics, we’ll do a one-time data rebuild of the full history for Instagram profiles already connected to the platform, both owned and public, so note that it may take up to two weeks to see it all. In Listening, IGTV data is not retroactive and is based on your query set up.

Ready to kickstart your best content yet? With IGTV, take people behind the scenes, share DIY tutorials – in short, open up your brand to your customers. 2021 is the year to go for it! 

Flexible and Guided Content Preparation in Publisher

Creating content for varied audiences, regions, channels… your team need all the support you can get to keep the ball rolling. With this release, the content editor offers new upload options, custom hints, and real-time validation of user actions to ensure the publishing process is efficient and error-free.

  • Bi-directional integration of Content Collections and Publisher: Now you can select assets from your content collections right in the editor! Simply click the “Import from Collection” button to open up Collections in a side panel. Content distribution at its smoothest: assets right when and where users need them. 

  • Easy validation and customization with in-editor guidance: The flexible content editor is complete with real-time guidance to ensure you build out great content across platforms. No need to decide on a profile or platform to get going. Simply start adding assets, and the editor will provide guidance as you work. It’ll also signal any issue that comes up, no matter how tricky, and allow you to resolve it straight from the error box. 

  • Ability to change the media type of a post at any time: Change is the only constant. In the editor, switch up the post type without having to initiate the process from scratch. Selected Post but now want to use a Carousel? Go for it. The editor will continue to validate your work to make sure everything is as it should be.

  • Planning with multi-asset placeholders: The calendar is your place for editorial planning and drafting. Now you can save drafts with as many assets you want, even multi-video assets. Easily iterate on your draft until it’s perfect and ready to be scheduled.

This release supports flexible, speedy and quality content preparation. Once you enter the editor, you’ll feel the difference of these updates (and more!) right away. 

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on socialbakers.com. Any statistics or statements included in this article were current at the time of original publication.

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