How to Create a Landing Page for Facebook Ads

Facebook is more than just a social network. For many of us, a significant portion of our digital lives revolve around it. Around a fifth of the global population uses Facebook every single day, spending an average of an hour a day on the platform.

What does this mean for you as a marketer? It means that Facebook ads are incredibly powerful.

Unconvinced about the marketing power of Facebook? Check out this graph, which shows the company’s net income figures over the last 10 years: 

As you can see, Facebook has grown enormously and continues to do so. The company’s annual net income in 2019 amounted to $22 billion. When you consider these figures, one thing is clear: a savvy marketer cannot afford to ignore Facebook advertising.

It might surprise you to know that Facebook ads are very affordable. You can reach thousands of people for only a few dollars, taking advantage of both demographic and behavioral targeting to ensure the right people see your ads. 

But once you’ve read up on Facebook advertising tips and created your ad, then what? If you want to see those high conversion rates, setting and forgetting your ad won’t cut it. The trick to getting people who click your ad to convert? It’s all in the landing page. 

How to Create a Landing Page for Facebook Ads

The landing page is the first thing your prospective customers will see once they’ve clicked a link on your Facebook ad. You only have a few seconds to hold their attention and encourage them towards the “buy now” button, so make them count! 

Read on to learn how to create a landing page that converts.

1. Understand your goal

You cannot achieve your goal without being absolutely clear on what it is. With any pay-per-click (PPC) campaign, including Facebook ads, there are two potential core goals:

  • Sell immediately

  • Gather email addresses to sell to those customers later

Obviously, you’d like to make as many sales as possible. However, unless you're selling low-value retail goods, the goal of your Facebook ad landing page should be to gather leads. 

This is because Facebook, like all social media, is a passive medium. Unlike a Google PPC campaign, where people are targeted based on specific keywords, most people who see your ad will have encountered it while scrolling their feed. In other words, they are not yet ready to buy. The goal of a paid social media advertising campaign, then, is to bring those people into your marketing funnel so that you can sell to them later. 

2. Offer a lead magnet

What’s the best way to get someone to take a desired action? Offer them something of value in return! If you want the people who see your Facebook ad to part with their email address, you need to give them an incentive to do so. 

The best way to do this is with a lead magnet. A lead magnet is something you give away for free to entice someone to sign up. Your lead magnet can be many different things, but here are some options to consider:

  • A copy of an ebook

  • A relevant white paper or report

  • Access to an exclusive video or online training

  • Access to a webinar or virtual event

  • A free telephone consultation with you or a member of your team

Whatever you choose, the lead magnet should be displayed prominently in your Facebook ad and on your landing page. Here’s an example of a landing page emphasizing a lead magnet: 

Whatever you offer, make sure it provides real value to your audience. Address their pain points and aim to solve a problem. 

3. Make use of testimonials

Remember: users who come to your landing page through a Facebook ad are not yet highly qualified leads. Your job is to hold their interest and grow a relationship with them.

Part of this relationship is about trust, and one of the best ways to build trust is through reviews and testimonials. You know your company, product, or service is amazing. But if the prospective customer has never heard of you before, why should they believe that?

Therefore, using testimonials provides the social proof needed to back up your claims. Here’s how Diib uses social proof to add credibility:

Notice how the testimonial includes the full name, job role, and picture of the person who provided it. This adds extra credibility as it proves the testimonial isn’t made up. 

4. Follow successful landing page examples

Landing pages are all slightly different, but strong ones follow variations on a similar structure. If you want your landing page to convert, ensure you include all these elements:

  • Headline: This should be snappy, eye-catching, and focused on the benefit you will provide to the reader if they take action

  • Short copy: A short paragraph or list of bullet points to explain a bit more about the offer

  • Calls to action: We’ll cover this more in a minute

  • Company logo

  • Images or video content

Here's an example of a good Facebook ad landing page from Simply Cook:

Notice the use of an aspirational headline and matching image of a delicious meal. The points below further emphasize the benefits of signing up, and the CTA is centrally placed and in a color that stands out.

Further down, the page makes use of social proof through testimonials and a high TrustPilot rating, before reiterating the CTA:

5. Include a compelling CTA

The CTA is where you tell the visitor what you want them to do. It must be clear, specific, and easily actionable. Examples of a great CTA might include, “sign up now”, “buy now”, or “claim your free trial”. 

A small difference to the phrasing, design, or placement of your CTA can make a big difference to how well your Facebook ads landing page converts. Therefore, don’t be afraid to try different things out and run A/B tests to see which CTAs work best.


6. Ensure visual continuity

Your Facebook ad landing page must be on-brand. It should contain your logo, and the color scheme and any images used should be aligned with your brand identity and the visual assets you use elsewhere. 

The idea is to create a seamless progression from the Facebook ad to the landing page. Visual continuity is also an essential component of brand recognition, which is one of the key ways you can build a relationship and grow trust with your audience.

7. Optimize for mobile

According to a Statista study, 98% of worldwide users access Facebook through a mobile device at least some of the time:

Therefore, ensuring your pages are mobile-friendly is essential. Failing to optimize your landing page for mobile users will definitely negatively impact your conversion rate.

But how do you optimize a landing page for mobile? Here is Facebook's short but sweet answer: less is more.

Landing pages that are optimized for mobile should have the following

  • Compelling visuals

  • Brief and straightforward copy that urges the reader to take action

According to Facebook, the key is to "think about where you want your customers to look and the action you'd like them to take.” So keep this in mind and adjust your Facebook ad landing page design accordingly. Larger text, shorter forms, and larger CTAs are crucial. 

To make sure your landing page works across different devices, you should test it on as many different screen sizes as possible before you launch. I also recommend using accelerated mobile pages to ensure quick load times on poor mobile connections.

Here’s a great example of a mobile landing page from Elementor: 

The copy is short and to the point, the CTA is large and centrally placed, and the layout is optimized for a mobile interface.

The Takeaway

Facebook continues to dominate social media, and is a powerful tool to generate leads and bring in revenue. However, you need the ideal landing page if your Facebook ad campaign is to see results. 

Remember my top tips for a great landing page: 

  • Understand your goal first. In most cases, you will be aiming to attract leads rather than make sales immediately

  • Offer an irresistible lead magnet that addresses specific problems or pain points

  • Make use of testimonials and other forms of social proof to demonstrate your credibility

  • Use the right structure, including a snappy headline, short but enticing copy, and plenty of visual content

  • Create a great CTA that pushes people to take action

  • Ensure your landing page is on-brand and aligned with the rest of your visual assets

  • Optimize your landing page for different devices, focusing especially on mobile

Finally, don’t forget to analyze and monitor your Facebook ads. This will allow you to see what’s working and what isn’t, so you can adjust as required. 

With killer ad copy, the right offer, and a great landing page, you’ll soon start seeing your Facebook ad bringing in more conversions. Follow these tips and watch your ROI soar. Good luck with launching an amazing ad campaign!

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on socialbakers.com. Any statistics or statements included in this article were current at the time of original publication.

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