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What is social proof?

Definition: Social Proof

Generally speaking, social proof is rooted in the idea that people assume the actions of others in an attempt to maintain correct behavior for a given situation.

In the context of social media marketing, social proof refers to the influence that these actions, behaviors, and opinions of others have on an individual’s purchasing decisions, which can include:

  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Follower counts
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Customer testimonials
  • User-generated content (UGC)

When consumers see others engaging positively with a brand on social media, it creates a sense of trust, credibility, and validation, which can influence their own attitudes and behaviors. Brands may leverage social proof in their marketing strategies by showcasing customer testimonials, user-generated content (UGC), influencer endorsements, and social media mentions to build trust and credibility with their target audience.

By highlighting customers’ positive social interactions towards their products and services, brands may persuade potential customers and drive conversions.

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Social media engagement: Everything you need to know

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Prêt à transformer votre stratégie social media ?

Avec Emplifi, vous gagnez en efficacité, augmentez vos revenus et faites évoluer votre stratégie social media, que vous gériez une petite équipe ou un écosystème complexe. Envie de voir comment ? Discutons-en.

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Ce qui vous attend ?

  • Un partenaire qui comprend vos enjeux et vos objectifs
  • Une démonstration en direct pour découvrir ce qui nous différencie
  • Pas de pression, juste des conseils avisés
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